The Story of Hava

 Hava Workshop is a complex model that provides DIY (Do it Yourself) experience sessions. Hava aims to preserve and spread the spirit of Vietnamese handicraft art to young people. Coming to Hava, you not only can directly participate in interesting experiences, but also bond together in an open and pleasant space.

Workshop Hava Rattan


Traditional Vietnamese art is a "fertile ground" to nurture the soul and creative spirit. Bringing in the desire to preserve traditional values ​​that have now been more or less lost, spreading the love of crafts to young people, Hava Workshop was born. In the spirit of creativity and openness, Hava wishes to contribute - even a small part - to bring cultural values
Viet reached far.
Hava's Event at Nest AIA

Core values

Creative & Inquisitive

On the journey to bring Vietnamese cultural values ​​far, Hava believes that it is extremely important to keep a constant curiosity and creative spirit. Each Hava workshop is designed with a different theme and we are constantly innovating to make each workshop a new and really interesting experience.


Hava wishes to turn each workshop into a positive energy "charging station" - where each of us can nourish our souls and spread positive energy to our loved ones.


Each Hava experience session plays the role of a "noise filter" in life. Coming to Hava, you will be able to be yourself and freely do what you like in a unique and creative way.
Hava Leather class student